I have noticed a disturbing phenomenon growing among Christians that has ignited their passion to speak out. No, I'm not talking about a passion to speak out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples, nor a passion to defend the sound doctrines of faith found in the Scripture, nor a passion to speak out in pursuit of a holy life that is pleasing to God (and man), but a passion to speak out in defense of sin! What is taking place among the disciples of Christ is, in my opinion, the very "falling away" that the Scripture warns us about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The Bible also says there will come a time where people will no longer "endure sound doctrine" (2 Timothy 4:3).
I have noticed that if you want to get some Christians fired up (especially on the Internet) then address sin head on. A friend of mine once addressed some un-Christlike conduct of Christians who were publicly flaunting their sinful behavior. What he wrote was right on and good. However, I was amazed at how many Christians came to the defense of sin! He was rebuked by Christians telling him "not to judge" and to "allow them to grow in their faith" and other such nonsense. I say it is nonsense because it is completely unscriptural counsel!
First of all, calling sin out for what it is is not judging. The apostles did it all the time and the Bible tells us to hold one another accountable. This idea that we should just let sin sit and simmer in an individual's life and that one day it will work itself out is ridiculous. I believe this has more to do with people's fear of confrontation than it does wanting to nurture. "But not everyone is on the same spiritual level and we have to allow time for growth," you may protest. I agree, but how will they grow if they are never taught?! Parents don't bring an infant home from the hospital after it is born and then lay it on the floor and say, "Now just let him lay there so he can grow. In a few years he'll be walking and talking and doing all sorts of advanced math problems."
If you remember from the book of Hebrews 5:2 the church was chastised for being stagnant in their spiritual growth and was told they needed to be taught the elementary principles of Christ all over again. If that particular church would be here in our modern time we would have Christians saying, "Leave them be so they can grow," and the author of Hebrews would have been labeled as judgmental.
The most insulting defense of sin however is not in the labels of being judgmental nor in the passiveness of confronting sin, but in the idea that we should just ignore sin (in Christian and non-Christian alike) and "show them the love of Jesus." How can any disciple of Christ show an individual the love of Jesus by not confronting the sin that has separated them from Christ?! Jesus came to reconcile man to God by taking the penalty of sin upon Himself who committed no sin. Yet we now have the mindset (doctrine) floating around out there that we can allow people to remain in their sin, even say it's okay and good, and then just tell them God loves them and all is well with their eternal soul. Sounds more like a Beatles song than the Gospel.
The real love of Jesus confronts sin and exposes it for what it is. The real love of Jesus leads an individual to the cross of Christ where the awful penalty of sin was paid for and the gift of salvation is offered. The real love of Jesus provides repentance for the sinner and brings new life to the man and woman who makes Jesus their Lord and Savior. The real love of Jesus makes one a new creation, but if an individual is told that their sin is well and good by the very people who carry the Gospel message why would they want to be made new?
It's time to stop defending sin which separates man and God. It's time to get Biblical and forsake this worldly attitude. It is not kindness or love to act as an agent of deceit and cause others to remain in their sin all so you can make them feel good for the moment. I guarantee they will not applaud your political correctness and passive attitude in the Day of Judgment.
So as the "falling away" continues, which side will you be found on?
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